
ISTOS Centre Summer School #1

The first Summer School of ISTOS center will be organized by the Cyprus University of Technology between the 26th and the 30th of September 2022, at Ajax Hotel, in Limassol (Cyprus).

The Summer School is an opportunity for Consortium members, Ph.D. Students and specialists in the field to openly gather and exchange knowledge on the topic at hand.

During this summer school, topics like natural hazards, climate change adaptation (CCA), disaster risk reduction (DRR), the seismic risk assessment of historic buildings, the structural safety of buildings and infrastructure, and post-disaster management will be presented and discussed. Practical training will also be held as part of the Summer School, in an external on-site visit in the city of Limassol. 

(photo source: https://cyprus-mail.com/2018/06/03/changing-the-face-of-limassol/)