Dissemination Activities (Leading: FRC, Participating: All)
Through this task, we will implement the dissemination strategy and associated activities. The task involves the design and
production of the Green-HIT promotional, written, and audio-visual digital materials (brochure/leaflet, newsletters and video).
Through this task, the partners will also coordinate the Green-HIT presence in dissemination fora, including the network of expert
organisations, in which Green-HIT consortium partners already participate in or are members of. Please see also Section B3.2 on
Dissemination and Communication activities foreseen. Additionally, the scientific/research partners of the consortium will
disseminate the project results to
▪ Articles subject to publication by renowned peer-reviewed journals.
▪ Participation in at least two international conferences.
Finally, a Green-HIT dedicated workshop will be organised to disseminate and present the Project’s results beyond Consortium
partners, to the end-user’s community and other important stakeholders, including the RIF.