Design & Development of Forest Management & Monitoring Web Dashboard (Leading: FRC, Co-develop with: ALL)
Task 5.2 is responsible for designing and developing the platform’s main front-end portal, namely a Web-based dashboard that
offers facilities for forest management and monitoring. A tentative list of functionalities that will be supported by this dashboard (to
be finalized upon commencing the project during requirements analysis in WP3) is listed below:
▪ Interactive visualizations of raw spatio-temporal data collected, for example, through in-field sensors, UAVs, satellites
and/or the habitat mapping / inventory tool of the smartphone application.
▪ Interactive tools for better interpreting and acting upon the raw data collected, which will leverage the Intelligence Modules
developed in WP6.
▪ Facilities for setting up the platform’s rules of engagement, e.g., periodic, event-based, and/or on-demand scheduling of
UAV trips, two-way verification mechanism for incidents that potentially require human intervention, etc.
▪ Simulation-based estimations/predictions of the progression of a fire (trajectory, time-based safe zones, etc.), in case of fire
emergencies, based on current conditions (e.g., weather and other environmental indicators, terrain attributes, etc.).
The design and development activities of this task will follow the UI designs and UX principles defined in WP3. An iterative and
incremental approach will be adopted, with rapid prototypes being delivered frequently to allow for early feedback from all
stakeholders involved. Any feedback collected will likely trigger updates to the initial requirements and thus the final software
outcomes. The design and development activities of this task will be handled by FRC, while all other partners of the Consortium
will provide feedback.