‘Hope For Children’ CRC Policy Center is an International Humanitarian and Independent Institution based in Nicosia, Cyprus. Our institution is established on standards and principles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and European Union Law.
We work on humanitarian and development policy relevant to the defence and promotion of children’s rights through research, grassroots program design and implementation and advisory services offered to governments and international organizations.
The operation of the organization is founded on the principle of promoting and protecting the rights of children. We aim to do this through the implementation of a variety of projects on a National, European and Global level.
We aim to bring together judges, lawyers, psychologists, medical practitioners, mediators, counsellors, mental health workers, media representatives, child cares, teachers & allied professionals to contribute their specialized expertise in a practical manner through education, legal and other advocacy to promote and protect the interests of the most vulnerable amongst us, our children and youth.
abif is an independent social science research and consulting institute with a clear focus on practical application of research.
In 1999, scientists of different disciplines founded abif with the goal of creating an interdisciplinary network for conducting high-quality research based on a multi-methodological approach.
We focus on:
Associação Portuguesa Conversas de Psicologia, aims to research, train, educate, disseminate and organise events and promote fundamental aspects of human development.
APCdP is dedicated to psychological counselling; promotion of active and healthy ageing; gender equality and the prevention and combating of domestic and gender-based violence, and trafficking in human beings; monitoring and supporting of homeless people; dissemination, promotion and implementation of actions in the framework of social, psychological and human sciences, cultural, academic and scientific area; voluntary actions.
With a policy of proximity to university students, professionals and the community, APCdP emphasises the importance of training and social intervention and the promotion of mental health.
CESIE is a non-profit, apolitical, and non-governmental organisation based in Palermo (Italy) and established in 2001.
CESIE is committed to promote the cultural, social, educational and economic development at local, national, European and international levels. CESIE contributes to growth and development through the active participation of people, civil society and institutions, always valuing diversity.
Inspired by the work of Danilo Dolci, we focus our work on the research of social needs and challenges and the use of innovative learning approaches. In this way, CESIE actively connects research with action through the use of formal and non-formal learning methodologies.
The organisational structure is divided into 6 thematic units working in cooperation and managing activities in their specific fields: Higher Education and Research; Rights and Justice; Adult, Migration; School; Youth. The units are supported by 3 geographical departments (Local, European and International) and 4 transversal offices (Visibility and Communication, Networking, HRs, Financial).
The Gender Alternatives Foundation (GAF) is a non-government organization which was established in 2011 by a team of professionals engaged in the promotion of women and girls’ human rights. We are based in Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
GAF’s mission is to work towards the protection and empowerment of women and girls in all spheres of public and private life so that they realize their potential in a just and unbiased society. Through our guiding principle, we strive to address a number of structural inequalities which are layered in social organization and mindset, and present the building blocks of gender based discrimination and violence. The issues we devote our efforts to are prevention and protection against domestic violence, trafficking in human beings and promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights.
Our target groups are women and girls victims of gender-based violence and discrimination. These include women and girls from rural areas, minority women; victims of human trafficking and sexual exploitation, foreign and migrant women; disabled women; elderly women; and women victims of multiple discrimination.
KMOP is a non-profit organisation, founded in 1977, being thus one of the oldest Greek NGOs with 40 years of accumulated experience in supporting disadvantaged groups. KMOP is committed to kindling a better world. That is a world that rests on a foundation of sustainable development, social growth, and individual well-being.
We believe that a prerequisite for building a better world is addressing the underlying causes of vulnerability by building resilience of individuals and communities to anticipate, resist and recover from the risks that shifting societal, technological and environmental developments create.
A focus on resilience places empowerment and human development square at the center of our work. Resilience is enabled by building stronger bridges among individuals, groups and communities. Once empowered, communities are better able to build individual capacities to cope with hazards and tackling the root causes of vulnerability, such as unemployment and social exclusion, poverty, discrimination, inequality and inadequate access to resources and livelihoods.
We work with the public and private sectors, as well as with civil society to drive solution-oriented, knowledge-based interventions that are crucial to fostering resilience and making the world a better place to live.
KMOP’s main areas of expertise include social welfare and health, employability and human rights protection, scientific research and development of know-how in social policy and social protection issues.
Apart from direct provision of services through decentralised community based facilities (Three Group Houses and one Day Care Centre for mentally ill, as well as counseling centers in various towns), KMOP is also actively involved in both national and international projects, addressing social issues particularly focusing on low-skilled youth and long term unemployed, victims of violence and trafficking, disabled, elderly, migrants and minorities.
Rinova is a training, development and management services company, supporting our partners to design, deliver and improve the services that they offer in the areas where we have worked for over 30 years, namely:
We keep ourselves up to date with policy initiatives, programmes and policy in these areas - but our passion is to respond to them by working 'bottom up' with our partners - designing and implementing solutions, extracting and publicising the lessons.
Rinova is a social enterprise, in that we are a business with social objectives that has no external shareholders. By adding value to our partners and providing our partners and funders with the best customer service, we aim to make surpluses which are re-invested to support our social goals.
Rinova is a social enterprise, in that we are a business with social objectives that has no external shareholders. By adding value to our partners and providing our partners and funders with the best customer service, we aim to make surpluses which are re-invested to support our social goals.
The Science and Research Centre Koper (ZRS Koper) works on an interdisciplinary basis, involving humanities, social and natural sciences, with special emphasis given to the research in the specific environments of the Mediterranean and the upper Adriatic region.
The main activities are:
ZRS Koper is actively integrating in international scientific cooperation and is connecting with many similar organisations worldwide.
Researchers are also actively involved in academic process at all three Slovene public universities, thus ensuring the transfer of research results into the educational sphere.