The present report is the outcome of the 1st BASE project Transnational Cooperation meeting that was held in Coimbra, Portugal on the 1st of July 2019 and attended by the total of 32 participants from Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, Greece, UK, Slovenia, Austria and Cyprus.The meeting was aimed to analyse country contexts regarding sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) against migrant and refugee women and girls and debate common strategies with representatives from support services working with victims of SGBV, public entities and migrant/ refugee women themselves. During the dedicated sessions, that were focused around 4 main themes: gender-related vulnerabilities and communication, access to services and facilities, sexual and reproductive health issues, partnerships and inter-institutional collaboration, the participants discussed the challenges to support migrant/refugee girls and women survivors of SGBV and proposals to respond to the challenges. The main outcomes from the discussions about the main challenges in Italy, Portugal, Bulgaria, Greece, UK, Slovenia, Austria and Cyprus and proposed solutions are presented in this report.