

JudEx+: Professional capacity development programme on child-friendly communica􀆟on in judicial proceedings in cases of sexual violence against children. Trainer’s Manual.
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JudEx+: Professional capacity development programme on child-friendly communica􀆟on in judicial proceedings in cases of sexual violence against children. Trainer’s Manual.

The JudEx+: Professional capacity development programme on child-friendly communication injudicial proceedings in cases of sexual violence against children is born out the need for implementingthe guidelines outlined in international instruments such as the UNCRC, the Lanzarote Conven􀆟on, theCoE Guidelines on child-friendly justice, and others. The manual is intended to provide trainers with thetools necessary to lead sessions aiming to be􀆩er equip multi-disciplinary teams of professionals assistingchildren victims of child sexual abuse through the judicial proceedings with knowledge around theconventions and guidelines, a common language in terms of addressing the child and thefamily’s needs, and improving inter-agency collaboration in order to better serve the children’s needs.