“CrODA-Gator”: A Crowdsourcing-based service for collecting, managing and mapping mobile data.


Andreas Konstantinidis - Project Leader

Michalis Massalas - Developer

Project Details

{"ops":[{"insert":"“CrODA-Gator” – the Crowdsourcing Open-Data Aggregator service for crowdsourcing, managing and mapping mobile data. CrODA-Gator‘s architecture is scalable and extensible, offering interoperability between different devices, supporting both real-time and offline data for large spatiotemporal information volume and enabling access to the collected data for use in medical, educational and entertainment applications. It also follows the REST architectural style that induces scalability and simplicity in order to provide developers with APIs to access the collected data. Furthermore, a set of mechanisms are used to support the manipulation of the large volume of data ‘sensed’ from the crowd, provide optimal performance and allow data import and export from and to heterogeneous sources (i.e. mobile devices of various operating systems, legacy systems etc.). Finally, a web application, that visualizes the data and allows the users to filter between different sensors is implemented.\n"}]}