High level knowledge awareness of BlockChain Technology applications in SMEs (BCT4SMEs)


Panayiota Kyriakou - Researcher

Achilleas Achilleos - Principal Investigator

Andreas Konstantinidis - Researcher

Marios Lestas - Researcher

Project Details

{"ops":[{"insert":"In comparison with big firms, small businesses confront several problems in the business economy. Many of them face barriers in entering trade markets, while others can confront difficulties in several sectors, such as transactions, data storage, cash flow, and security but also for efficiently protecting IP. When it comes to security issues and in particular, data storage, many companies use the Internet of Things (IoT) for this scope, as big number of devices connected to the internet give the opportunity to control data. Nevertheless, managing all of these IoT devices and the data included in them, becomes often a challenge for enterprises. In addition to this, other security issues may include other fields such as digital transactions, digital identity, communication with others, etc. The other problems that mentioned above, namely transactions and cash flow are problems that many SMEs face in the field of finances, in conjunction with other issues, such as payments, investments, etc. The objectives of the project are the following: a) Assist SMEs improve their place in business economy, b) Promote the use of new technologies in SMEs, c) Empower managers/owners of SMEs with the essential skills and knowledge regarding blockchain technology in order to help them run and manage their businesses successfully d) develop strategies and actions that present an innovative approach on blockchain technology education.\n"}]}