
National and EU Research Projects

Title: Innovation Vocational Excellence in Tech
Funding Body: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PEX-COVE
About: INVESTech promotes skills development, green transition, and social inclusion via collaborative efforts among diverse stakeholders.
Duration: 2024-2028

Title: Alliance for Fostering Business and Education Innovation through Digital Supply Chains
Funding Body: ERASMUS +
About: The courses will be designed to include innovative teaching methodologies and interactive learning tools.
Duration: 2022-2025

Title: Health Literacy for Disadvantaged Adults
Funding Body: Erasmus+
About: DHeLiDA project will enable citizens to better manage their health and illness, improve prevention, enable more accurate diagnosis and treatment, and facilitate communication with health professionals.
Duration: 2022-2024

Title: Boosting health LIteracy for School Students
Funding Body: Erasmus+
About: BLISS project will enable young citizens to better manage their health and illness, improve prevention, enable more accurate diagnosis and treatment and facilitate communication with health professionals.
Duration: 2022-2024

Title: Fairness in Teaching
Funding Body: Erasmus+
About: Fairness In Teaching aims at developing an advanced approach to stepping up fair teaching practices especially in STEM disciplines, given equal opportunities and access to STEM.
Duration: 2021-2024

Title: UPDating university curricula on Early InTervention
Funding Body: Erasmus+
About: The goal of this project is to create innovative practices in the digitization and ICТ of the cultural heritage and its accessibility.
Duration: 2022-2024

Title: Open Lab for the up-skilling of higher educational staff in on-line Μanagement Εducation
Funding Body: Erasmus+
About: OLMedu project aims at the creation of an open lab for the up-skilling of HES staff in online management education.
Duration: 2021-2023

Title: High level knowledge awareness of BlockChain Technology applications in SMEs (BCT4SMEs)
Funding Body: Erasmus+
About: BCT4SMEs aims at supporting managers utilizing and integrating blockchain technology, and benefit from the advantages that it comes with. In order to achieve its goal, the project will create a personalized environment.
Duration: 2020-2022

Title: GUIDed Assisted-Living and Social Interaction Platform (GUIDed)
Funding Body: EU AAL Programme and RiF Cyprus
About: GuiDed will design and develop a smart Augmented Reality (AR)-enabled platform based on existing fully customizable hardware boards to offer a set of simple, plug-and-play, assisted-living (AL) services to real users.
Duration: 2020-2022