What is it

Welcome to the OER "Open Educational Resources" section!

This section is dedicated to the active exchange of experience and knowledge.

Here we want to promote the sharing of open and available resources related to digital health and the topics covered in our MOOC training.

In this interactive section you will have the opportunity to upload and share training resources that you find useful. Whether presentations, videos, documents or anything else, any resource can be useful in enriching the learning experience of anyone who uses it.

Resources can be aimed at both teachers, to support their teaching practice, and students, to provide further insight into the topics covered in the MOOC. We believe that your contribution can make a difference in shaping an increasingly aware and contemporary educational community.

Do you have knowledge or training resources that could be useful to other teachers or students? Start uploading your resources now and help build an enriching platform for all. Sharing is the key to successful collective learning!