BASE addresses the need to counteract GBV against refugee/migrant girls through the development and sustainability of strategies to nurture inclusive communication and a culture of trust between support service professionals (social workers; health professionals; NGO support officers; psychologists; school staff; law enforcement) victims, families and communities, thus preventing victim re-traumatisation and encouraging reporting of GBV. Violence against women and young girls knows no cultural, geographical or ethnic barriers, several studies have identified that some groups are particularly vulnerable - migrant and ethnic minority women, female asylum seekers, refugees are among those.
BASE will ultimately benefit migrant/refugee girl victims of GBV by improving their experience of support services and procedures, through an inclusive and inter-sector approach targeting migrant/refugee women, support service professionals, and stakeholders. The expected results can be summarised in key achievements:
First Cultural Advisor Training in Cyprus
Capacity building training in Slovenia
Mediazione con sopravvissute a violenza di genere in contesti transculturali