About the application
Frederick University Mobile is an application developed by the students of the Mobile Devices Laboratory (MDL) of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering for the students, faculty, staff and guests of the Frederick University. The application provides several features that improve the mobile experience and interaction of the users with the Frederick University’s online tools, publications, campuses and community. The features include, • See your timetable on the go. Click on a lecture to read its course outline. • Frederick University Guide for easily finding the locations of the building with their indoor plans for easily finding seminar-rooms, laboratories, etc. • Use our QR code scanner to scan our prospectus. Download publications, watch movies and slideshows, etc. • Download several publications related to the Frederick University (e.g., FU prospectus, FIT prospectus, Arts Awards, etc.) • Login once, click on remember me and then use most features offline. We will continue to develop, expand and improve this application. We welcome your ideas and feedback.
Christoforos Kronis - Lab Assistant - Developer
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