
National and EU Research Projects

Title: Smart AI-powered Energy Management System for Greener Communal Residences
Funding Body: European Union
About: The SAIEnG project enhances energy efficiency in urban buildings using AI, promoting sustainability, stakeholder collaboration, and reduced CO2 emissions.
Title: Innovation Vocational Excellence in Tech
Funding Body: ERASMUS-EDU-2023-PEX-COVE
About: INVESTech promotes skills development, green transition, and social inclusion via collaborative efforts among diverse stakeholders.
Title: East Med Cross-border Marine Environmental Risk Assessment through E-Platform Integrated Data Management
Funding Body: UCPM-2023-KAPP
About: Coastal cities are expanding hubs for transport and trade, but marine infrastructure pollution is increasing, affecting cross-border environments. The EMMERA project unites Eastern Mediterranean partners to share knowledge, develop cross-border risk assessments, and create an E-platform for data sharing and marine pollution warnings.
Title: A whole-plant phenotyping platform to improve plant productivity, agricultural sustainability, and resilience to climate change
Funding Body: Research and Innovation Foundation
About: PHENOTYPOS aims to establish an advanced plant phenotyping center in Cyprus, enhancing agricultural research, sustainability, and productivity.
Title: Food Waste Management Information System for Hotels
Funding Body: Research and innovation Foundation
About: FW4H project, funded by the Research and Innovation Foundation, tackles hospitality sector food waste, crucial in tourism-dependent countries.
Title: Sign Language Keyboard Android and iOS Applications
Funding Body: Research and Innovation Foundation
About: A.G. Connect Deaf Limited is an award winning Social Small Medium Enterprise (SME) working in the field of diversity and inclusion with a focus on Deaf and Hard of Hearing sign language users.
Title: MammoCheck
Funding Body: Cyprus Seeds
About: MammoCheck provides women with control over their breast health by offering a non-invasive, contactless, and painless method for performing breast cancer examinations at home.
Title: A Green - Holistic IoT platform for Forest Management and Monitoring
Funding Body: Research and innovation Foundation
About: Green-HIT provides an IoT platform supporting green growth and addressing climate change through advanced technologies and communication methods.
Title: Accessible System and Social Media Mobile Application for Deaf Users (Role: Principal Investigator/Partner)
Funding Body: Research and Innovation Foundation
About: People who are Deaf have been at an unfair disadvantage with regards to access to technology.
Title: Robotization of the manufacturing process of a multi-layered composite skateboard deck.
Funding Body: DIH2-European Commission
About: The purpose of the COBITT solution is to provide CAPSULE skateboards' existing production line with a fully automated and agile process, supported by FIWARE.
Title: AGRILORA - Smart Agriculture using Ultra-Long-Range Wireless Data and Power Transfer
Funding Body: Research and innovation Foundation
About: AGRILORA project has set a strategic objective to invest in applied research and development for Smart Agriculture, aiming to create value and revenue from services and applications over its owned LoRaWAN infrastructure.
Title: MILI - hotonics technology for in-situ, fast, accurate and costeffective milk analysis
Funding Body: Research and innovation Foundation
About: The Programme aims to contribute towards creating growth prospects for the local economy and to tackle social and other contemporary challenges.
Title: Alliance for Fostering Business and Education Innovation through Digital Supply Chains
Funding Body: ERASMUS +
About: The courses will be designed to include innovative teaching methodologies and interactive learning tools.
Title: AUgmented and virtual ReAlity enabled communication, training and data streaming in healthcare
Funding Body: Eurostars 3 – Call 1
About: The AURA project aims to optimize care-provision in modern healthcare by developing an innovation- and User Centered Design.
Title: Health Literacy for Disadvantaged Adults
Funding Body: Erasmus+
About: DHeLiDA project will enable citizens to better manage their health and illness, improve prevention, enable more accurate diagnosis and treatment, and facilitate communication with health professionals.
Title: Boosting health LIteracy for School Students
Funding Body: Erasmus+
About: BLISS project will enable young citizens to better manage their health and illness, improve prevention, enable more accurate diagnosis and treatment and facilitate communication with health professionals.
Title: Fairness in Teaching
Funding Body: Erasmus+
About: Fairness In Teaching aims at developing an advanced approach to stepping up fair teaching practices especially in STEM disciplines, given equal opportunities and access to STEM.
Title: UPDating university curricula on Early InTervention
Funding Body: Erasmus+
About: The goal of this project is to create innovative practices in the digitization and ICТ of the cultural heritage and its accessibility.
Title: LIFE IP Physis - Managing the Natura 2000 network in Cyprus and shaping a sustainable future
Funding Body: EU LIFE Integrated Projects 2018
About: The primary objective of LIFE IP PHYSIS is to achieve and maintain a favourable conservation status for species and habitat types of community importance in Cyprus, through Natura 2000 network.
Title: Open Lab for the up-skilling of higher educational staff in on-line Μanagement Εducation
Funding Body: Erasmus+
About: OLMedu project aims at the creation of an open lab for the up-skilling of HES staff in online management education.
Title: High level knowledge awareness of BlockChain Technology applications in SMEs (BCT4SMEs)
Funding Body: Erasmus+
About: BCT4SMEs aims at supporting managers utilizing and integrating blockchain technology, and benefit from the advantages that it comes with. In order to achieve its goal, the project will create a personalized environment.
Title: GUIDed Assisted-Living and Social Interaction Platform (GUIDed)
Funding Body: EU AAL Programme and RiF Cyprus
About: GuiDed will design and develop a smart Augmented Reality (AR)-enabled platform based on existing fully customizable hardware boards to offer a set of simple, plug-and-play, assisted-living (AL) services to real users.
Title: EnterCY: Enhancing Tourist Experience In Cyprus
Funding Body: Research and Innovation Foundation
About: EnterCY provides an enhanced tourist experience, before, during and after the visit, through cutting-edge technology and interactive content (Virtual, Augmented and Immersive Reality, Reconstructions and Storytelling).
Title: SaveOurFood
Funding Body: Reseacrh and Innovation Foundation
About: The main aim of this project is to minimize food waste of edible food in Cyprus by offering it to people in need and minimize poverty and offer food to people that otherwise would be wasted.
Title: Novel Technologies for Production Planning in Flexible Supply Chains
Funding Body: Research Promotion Foundation (ΕΠΙΧΕΙΡΗΣΕΙΣ/ΕΦΑΡΜ/0308/84), Cyprus
About: The main goal of the project is the development of a software package that will optimize production planning.
Title: MPI_Liver - Optimizing the SPECT myocardial perfusion imaging under the liver activity
Funding Body: Excellence, Research Promotion Foundation Cyprus
About: Artifact Program: A software tool for creating and comparing the regional uniformity of two polar maps.
Title: MOO-WMS - Multi-Objective Optimization Waste Management System
Funding Body: Research Promotion Foundation
About: In this project, MDL was responsible for the definition and formulation of the Waste Collection Vehicle Routing Problem in the context of Multi-Objective Optimization.
Title: SmartMap - the go-to tool for on-field environmental surveys
Funding Body: Research Promotion Foundation
Title: SportsTraveler76
Funding Body: Research Innovation Foundation (RIF)
About: Sports traveler aims to provide innovative services that enable travelers to book and actively participate in “soft sport tourism” activities, which is not currently addressed by other platforms and websites.
Title: HIT (Hate Interrupter Teams)
Funding Body: JUST Programme, European Commission
About: Hate Interrupter Teams: Youth counteracting hate speech towards migrants and minorities through participatory and creative campaigning. (#HITproject).
Title: iLIFE-Troodos: Troodos National Forest Park: Promoting natural values and Ecosystem Services
Funding Body: Life Programme, European Commision
About: The project aims to increase public awareness on the natural values of Ethniko Dasiko Parko Troodous (EDPT) for which it was included in the Natura 2000 network; this includes the Ecosystem Services (ES) it provides.
Title: FuelWatch
Funding Body: Ministry of Energy, Commerce Industry and Tourism, Cyprus
About: The Fuel-Watch service mainly aims at informing users whether the amount of fuel added in their car from a petrol station is the same with the amount indicated in the petrol station hose’s meter.
Title: JudEx+: Towards a child-friendly justice in cases of sexual violence against children
Funding Body: JUST/2014/RCHI/AG/PROF/7036
About: Judex+ aims to support a positive judicial experience for children victims of sexual violence by improving the skills of professionals involved in representing children in judicial proceedings through trainings which consider children’s rights.
Title: Investigation of Earthquake Signatures on the Ionosphere over Europe
Funding Body: Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus (ΤΠΕ/ΕΠΙΚΟΙ/0311(ΒΙΕ)/06)
About: The aim of this project is to conduct an investigation into the lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere interaction with respect to earthquake events by exploiting a multi-instrument approach.
Title: Cyprus Ionospheric Forecasting Service over Cyprus
Funding Body: Research Promotion Foundation, Cyprus (ΤΠΕ/ΕΠΙΚΟΙ/0311(ΒΙΕ)/06)
About: The primary objective of this project is to establish a High Frequency (HF) operational service for real-time specification (now-casting) and short-term forecasting of the state of the ionosphere over the eastern Mediterranean region.
Title: A Non-Immersive Virtual Reality Booking Platform for The Hospitality Sector (Dinetours)
Funding Body: RiF Cyprus
About: This project delivers the extensible Dinetours web platform, which is marketable (TRL9) and where each module is provided as a Web Service. It offers virtual reality tours and booking services for supporting reservations in the hospitality sector.
Title: FireWatch (G.I.S.-assisted Wireless Sensor Networks for Forest Fires)
Funding Body: National Framework Programme for RTDI 2009-2010
About: Firewatch aims to design and develop a ubiquitous fire detection and prediction system, coined FireWatch, based on technologies in WSNs, GIS, Terrain Analysis & Digital Terrain Modelling and Collaboration Systems.

Industrial Projects/Public Procurements

Title: Visit Nicosia Guide Application
Funding Body: Nicosia Tourism Board
About: Through the Nicosia Pass application we aim to help users to find easily information, sightseeing about Nicosia city.
Title: MASQ Management Platform
Funding Body: MASQ
About: The scope of the platform is to optimize the everyday operations of our company that involve the interaction with Amazon Marketplace through the integration with Amazon Marketplace and the development of several process automation tools.
Title: CYFIT - A web platform for supporting the National Program Physical Condition Assessment of the student population "Aristotle" Secondary School.
Funding Body: Ministry of Education
About: Program to assess the physical condition of ME school-aged children and adolescents through which valid, representative and comparable data are expected to be available.
Title: Recycling CY
Funding Body: GEOMATIC Technologies
About: The Recycling CY application promotes recycling in Cyprus using GreenDot’s and AFIS’ infrastructure and experience.
Title: Limassol Mobility App
Funding Body: Geomatic Technologies
About: The app allows users to find the most efficient route in Limassol from one point to another using sustainable mobility modes and save time and energy, ensuring a more pleasant experience with the minimum impact to the environment.
Title: NaviME
Funding Body: CNP
About: NaviMe: Indoor Navigation of people with vision impairments with Smartphone and Estimote Beacons.
Title: Keystone
Funding Body: Ministry of Energy Tender
About: Conference Management and Registration Web-System and Smartphone applications.
Title: Geo-In Cycling Route
Funding Body: Department of Forests (Interreg Tender)
About: Geo-In Cycling Route
Title: Deliver Training to NetInfo Junior developers on iOS and Android
Funding Body: NetInfo
About: Deliver Training to NetInfo Junior developers on iOS and Android
Title: iLife Touch Screens Extensions
Funding Body: Department of Forests (iLIFE project Extensions)
About: iLife Touch Screens Extensions
Title: Base project collaboration platform and website
Funding Body: Hope For Children
About: Base project collaboration platform and website
Title: Help Direct Smartphone Applications (Android, iOS)
Funding Body: CYTACOM
About: Help Direct Smartphone Applications (Android, iOS)
Title: Linguee Microsites
Funding Body: EU – Tender (Darkside)
About: Linguee Microsites
Title: Dream Fighters
Funding Body: Cyprus Family Planning Association (CDPA)
About: Ever had a dream that only you seemed to believe in? So have the DreamFighters app guys!Help them tackle their Dream Crushers and make their own future!Convince people close to you, about future career choices!
Title: Upgrade and Extend the Electronic Record of Monitoring the Therapeutic Course of People with Addictions.
Funding Body: National Addictions Authority Cyprus (Public Procurement - ΑΑΔ04/2017)
About: A new web platform that aims at monitoring the therapeutic course (with full respect for personal data), which aims to identify gaps, as well as to provide standardization of the procedures and data.
Title: Geomatic
Funding Body: Geomatic
About: Consultancy for GIS systems upgrades and new modules development.
Title: CloudScanner
Funding Body: IBSCY
About: A web platform that allows non-IT users to automatically setup, configure and deploy their own IaaS cloud solution.
Title: “CrODA-Gator”: A Crowdsourcing-based service for collecting, managing and mapping mobile data.
Funding Body:
About: “CrODA-Gator” – the Crowdsourcing Open-Data Aggregator service for crowdsourcing, managing and mapping mobile data.
Title: Web platform for managing environmental legislations
Funding Body: Department of Environment (Public Procurement), Cyprus
About: The development of a web platform for managing the environmental legislations ΣΕΠΕ/ΕΠΕ to be made available to all relevant Departments and Local Authorities that authorize projects and programs, as well as interested non-governmental organizations.
Title: Thermokoitida Agapis Website
Funding Body: Microsoft, Cyprus
About: Website for Thermokoitida Agapis that raises awareness, provides support and empowers families affected by prematurity.
Title: Autonomous Research & Guard Oversea System (ARGOS)
Funding Body: CYRIC / CYTA, Cyprus
About: A.R.G.O.S. is initially developed to support coast guard in search and rescue missions during, for example, the migration crisis, its innovation and technological composition provides opportunities for several other applications.
Title: Stepfree
Funding Body: Microsoft, Cyprus
About: StepFree is an interactive-informative application to help people with disabilities. It allows admins to enter a venue with their facilities and users to search venues by location, facilities, etc. This is a project offered to the Cyprus Paraplegic Association.
Title: 360 Video Mobile Viewer
Funding Body: Polar Effect - Immersive Media Lab, Netherlands
About: A branded app, allowing Pollar Effect customers to access all of your 360° content, including gigapixel panoramas, virtual tours and 360° video from any smartphone or tablet.
Title: Cyprus Post
Funding Body: Powersoft, Cyprus
About: The Cyprus Post app allows users to easily access the post office services of the Republic of Cyprus.
Title: Implementation of modifications on web platform
Funding Body: Cyprus Anti-Drug Council (Public procurement AAD10/2015)
About: MDL won the governmental competition for implementing necessary modifications on ASK's existing web platform and to provide technical support.
Title: NETteller Smartwatch Banking
Funding Body: NetInfo Plc, Cyprus
About: NETteller Smartwatch Banking project offers a secure, password-free access to bank-account information through your smartwatch.
Title: Pay by Tech Ltd Customer Relationship Management (CRM) framework
Funding Body: Pay by Tech Ltd, Cyprus
About: A CRM platform supported by smartphone applications for meeting the need of the PBT online services.
Title: Smart Ecological Cultivation System (SECS)
Funding Body: Microsoft / CYTA / TNT / FXPro
About: SECS is an autonomous smart and ecological cultivation system that is developed for managing and controlling cultivation, automatically (and remotely through a smartphone application), in real time.
Title: Engino kidCAD
Funding Body: Engino, Cyprus
About: The 3D model viewer app has been created to allow easy access to new models developed by the ENGINO team and gradually the users themselves.
Title: LAMDApp - Loyalty Scheme
Funding Body: Lamda Card Services, Cyprus
About: A multipurpose LAMDApp that provides instant access to ATM Locations, loyalty schemes participants and kiosks selling points at the tip of a finger.
Title: ARShooter Wars
Funding Body:
About: ARShooter Wars is an innovative real-time augmented reality game that is based on Crowdsourcing, Location-awareness and Artificial Intelligence.
Title: Transportation Organization of Nicosia District (OSEL) - Open Data
Funding Body: Open Data Grant - Microsoft
About: The Microsoft Open Data Grant Initiative aims at promoting the idea that some data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish. In this project an Azure cloud-based infrastructure is developed to "open" OSEL's data.
Title: Cyprus Tourism Organization - Open Data
Funding Body: Open Data Grant - Microsoft
About: The Microsoft Open Data Grant Initiative aims at promoting the idea that some data should be freely available to everyone to use and republish as they wish. In this project an Azure cloud-based infrastructure is developed to "open" the CTO's data.

Staff involved External Projects

Title: H5CM UCY Startup Funding
Funding Body:
About: A context-aware middleware was built that includes context-aware sensor and reasoner modules for cross-platform development of context-aware applications.
Title: COI-Cyprus - Provision of social support services to asylum seekers
Funding Body: European Refugee Fund and the Republic of Cyprus (Asylum Service - Home Office)
About: The Action is addressed to asylum seekers and aims to improve the reception conditions and the services provided to asylum seekers.
Title: SCICHALLENGE: Next Generation Science Challenges Using Participatory Techniques and Digital Media
Funding Body: Horizon 2020 (H2020)
About: The SCICHALLENGE project focuses on developing novel concepts to actively integrate young people in science education using a contest-based approach to self-produced digital education materials from young people for young people.
Title: PaaSage: Model Based Cloud Platform Upperware
Funding Body: EU FP7
About: PaaSage will deliver a development platform, with an accompanying methodology, with which developers of enterprise systems can access services of cloud platforms in a technology neutral approach that abstracts the technical details .
Title: Prosperity4All: Ecosystem infrastructure for smart and personalised inclusion and PROSPERITY for ALL stakeholders
Funding Body: EU FP7
About: Prosperity4all focuses on developing the infrastructure ; one that is based on self-rewarding collaboration, that can reduce redundant development, lower costs, increase market reach and penetration internationally etc.
Title: Miraculous: Miraculous-Life for Elderly Independent Living
Funding Body: EU FP7
About: This project aims to design, develop and evaluate an innovative user-centric technological solution, the Virtual Support Partner (VSP), attending to the elder (65+) daily activity and safety needs, while the elder goes about his normal daily life.
Title: COIN: COllaboration and INteroperability for networked enterprises
Funding Body: EU FP7 ICT
About: The mission of the Coin IP is to study, design, develop and prototype an open, self-adaptive, generic ICT integrated solution to support the above 2020 vision, starting from the field of Enterprise Interoperability and Enterprise Collaboration.
Title: Leaders
Funding Body: Erasmus Mundus
About: LEADERS Erasmus Mundus is a scholarship programme for students and researchers professionals on BSc,,MSc,PhD(and more) as well as Academic and Administrative Staff members from South-East Asia to European Union and vice versa.
Title: Strong-Ties
Funding Body: Erasmus Mundus
About: STRONG-TIES: Strengthening Training and Research Through Networking and Globalization of Teaching in Engineering Studies. The main objective of the project is to provide a quality international experience through the mobility of high quality students.
Duration:2011 - 2014
Title: Intact: It’s Time for CollaboratioN TowArds Close CooperaTion
Funding Body: Erasmus Mundus
About: The main objective of this project is to provide through the mobility a high quality international experience for outstanding early career and established researchers, aiming the widening of existing knowledge on electronics and computing.
Title: VALS: Virtual Alliances for a Learning Society
Funding Body: Erasmus LLP
About: VALS LLP will establish sustainable methods and processes to build knowledge partnerships between Higher Education and companies to collaborate on resolving authentic business problems.
Title: Connected Vitality Network (CVN)
Funding Body: Active and Assisted Living Programme
About: ConnectedVitality project aims to develop 'the second best connection' a video communication network, enabling immobile senior citizens to organize their social network and choose the activity and select levels according to their individual needs.
Title: MUSIC: Self-adapting applications for mobile users in ubiquitous Computing Environments
Funding Body: FP6-IST
About: MUSIC is a focused initiative that develops a comprehensive open-source software development framework that facilitates the development of self-adapting, reconfigurable software that seamlessly adapts to the highly dynamic user.