About the project
Digital health literacy (or digital health literacy) is the ability to search, find, understand and evaluate health information from computerised sources and to apply the knowledge gained to address or solve a health problem. The project will enable citizens to better manage their health and illness, improve prevention, enable more accurate diagnosis and treatment, and facilitate communication with health professionals. It will also help ensure more equitable access to health care while facilitating access to health information for adults with fewer opportunities and less access to reliable sources on a topic as important as health, especially in this time of global Health Emergency. The project has as general objectives the reduction of the digital health literacy gap, which can lead to social exclusion. exclusion, the inclusion of potentially vulnerable target groups (especially older people, people with a migrant background and their families) and the development of new skills that can lead to better social and health care, first for the individual and later for the community. Taking into account the above, the specific objectives of our proposal are: 1) To define a framework for digital competences in health (DigCompHealth) to help adult educators plan and propose training pathways that are flexible and responsive to the needs of the diverse target groups of adult education. 2) Develop and test a modular and blended training based on the previous framework and aiming to promote digital health literacy at European level by focusing on the dissemination of positive collective awareness processes, peer learning and crowdsourcing. 3) Provide a set of training tools (training toolkit), including a "European Health Netiquette", a code of conduct with recommendations for promoting health literacy for training centres and policy makers, together with guidelines for transferability and upscaling of project results.
Sustainable Development Goals:

Michalis Soteriou - Lab Assistant / Senior Software Developer - Developer
Achilleas Achilleos - Lecturer - Lead Researcher
Andreas Konstantinidis - Director - Lead Researcher
Panayiota Kyriakou - Project Manager / Researcher - Researcher
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