About the project
The project will integrate existing open-source technologies, platforms and tools, as well as assemble a smart AR-enabled platform based on existing fully customizable hardware boards to offer a set of simple, plug-and-play, assisted-living (AL) services. Real users including primary (older adults), secondary (family members, healthcare professionals and network) and tertiary (i.e., care organizations) users will be involved throughout the project progress and assist in system design, integration, testing and evaluation. The Augmented Reality Healthcare Expert will be designed in such a manner that will be intuitive to use while at the same time it will tackle cognitive decline and forgetfulness. MDL undertakes R&D in web-based and mobile computing and data management systems using Cloud as the enabling technology, as well as augmented and virtual reality and artificial intelligence (AR/VR). In the project the MDL laboratory is responsible for the research and development activities related to the augmented and virtual reality functionalities of the GUIDed services. Relevant AR/VR projects include the ENTER-CY and ARShooter Wars nationally funded projects, as well as the development of the 360⁰ Video Mobile Viewer Android application.
Sustainable Development Goals:

Christos Mettouris, Alexandros Yeratziotis, Charalampos Theodorou, Evangelia Vanezi, Achilleas Achilleos, George Papadopoulos, Sotiria Moza, Marina Polycarpou, Joanna Starosta-Sztuczka, Karol Pecyna, Terje Grimstad, Strahinja Lazic, "GUIDed: Assisted-Living Smart Platform & Social Communication for Older Adults - BEST PAPER AWARD", 21st International Conference on Innovations for Community Services, I4CS 2021, May 26 - 28, Bamberg, Germany, 2021.
Achilleas Achilleos - Lecturer - Principal Investigator
Andreas Konstantinidis - Director - Researcher
Stylianos Georgiou - Lab Assistant - Developer
Panayiota Kyriakou - Project Manager / Researcher - Researcher
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