1. Be able to use appropriate digital and search tools to access, filter and critically evaluate health information, digital resources and related services.

1. Evaluating health information on the Internet

The document emphasizes the importance of critically evaluating health information on the Internet by considering factors such as the source's reliability, author qualifications, potential bias or conflicts of interest, accuracy, objectivity, currency, and relevance to the user's needs.

2. How to find better information online

You tube video esplaining how to use Boolean Operators, Quotation marks and Asterisks.

3. Functional Health Literacy: Health Information in Everyday Life

Webpage offering information on how Heallth literacy influences one’s ability to access information, use print materials, and participate in society.

4. Health Literacy: An Overview

Video on Health Literacy: An Overview from Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan.

5. Information Literacy and Learning on the Web

A document with a video about learning to evaluate information on the internet

6. Impact of Mis/Disinformation on Health Care Information Literacy

An article from The Office for Intellectual Freedom of the American Library Association, emphasizes the Impact of Mis/Disinformation on Health Care Information Literacy.

7. Extra - Facts no fakes: disinformation, fake news and new media in healthcare

Extra material, in Italian - dealing with fake news and disinformation in healthcare (chapters 1, 2)

8. Extra - Trusting medical information on the web? Here is the compass for safe navigation

Extra material in Italian - Short article by the Veronesi Foundation on how to navigate in the endless sea of health information on the web.

9. Extra - Overview of Health Literacy Training

A video on the relationship between health equity, health literacy and describes the role of community-based non-health organisations in DC Health's efforts to promote health literacy in the District of Columbia.

10. Extra - Online Research: Tips for Effective Search Strategies

Youtube video explaining how to use Boolean operators, inverted commas and asterisks.

11. Extra - How to do research on the internet, effectively

How do I find websites, how do I evaluate them? This presentation answers these questions.

11. Extra - DigComp 2.2 Literacy

This content provides an overview of the Digcomp 2.2 framework. The video is in Italian but it is possible to activate the automatic Youtube translation for those interested.